The President of the National Association of Nigeria Footballers Harrison Jalla has dropped the bombshell at a press conference organised by the Concerned  Football Stakeholders in Lagos last week friday at the SWAN office.

Over the years, the Players Union Association of Nigeria have been facing one challenge or the other in their quest to be under one umbrella as a body, for this cause, former Super Eagles player Clement Temile and others formed a group named the concerned football stakeholders and took it upon himself to ensure that there's unity amongst the two fractions that claimed to be representing the interest of the ex-footballers and those who are still active.

Jalla who Nigerians thought is the major problem rocking the players union association of Nigeria has said that the Nigeria Football Federation are responsible for the crisis facing the union, he added that he is in support of the reconciliation process and he's ready to work with anybody while insisting that external body shouldn't be allow to take part in the process apart from the ex-international who are handling it now.

"For me I want to thank all of you through out this period and concerned group.

"I feel very disenchanted because I thought by now I will be resting in my village because I have made alot of sacrifice trying to build a platform but you guys don't know particularly what's coming behind for this is a very terrible country a country where you can turn anything that is white turn it to black and people we say that white thing is  black. That is a kind of country we are.

"So, I told you guys that I'm in support of this process, the bulky area, I felt terrible was that at the initial stage I thought it was being driven by politicians, you started these processes 11 years ago, the process of the constitution, it's good that you are here today sir (Rauf Ladipo) when Clement came and this process started I saw a politician leading the process,  I just said that we are going nowhere,  and I was praying for a day when we players ourselves would take up the gun head and ensure that they are under working pedals.

"The very day I saw Peter, I saw Temile, I saw Oguns I was happy and I said well, I'm even seeing those I'm going to leave the fight for, I'm now prepared to go, you see let me tell you guys something,  my ambition is not worth what is happening today to the present generation of players and the past generation of players.

"My concept in forming the players union was not predicated on the fact that it will be riddle with crisis but you all know particularly those of you in the media we don't have a standing and you knew those behind it,  people have been talking and I keep listening to them,  you people knew that it was THE NFF THAT SET UP THE OTHER BODY BECAUSE THEY WANT TO KEEP US PERPETUALLY WHERE WE ARE.

"And I want to give one advise, and my advise is very simple please don't allow this process of reconciliation outside the circle of players that are handling it today not for me anymore because I have concluded my own part as I stand here today I'm prepared to pack my files do my reconciliation with you guys so I can never be the problem, he declared.

"Let me just give you a short story, there is an intervention fund for two billion from Nollywood, Nollywood is not at par with you, that intervention fund is from the federal government,  if you put all the foreign mission that Nigeria has all over the world together what football is doing for this country all the foreign mission cannot do it, Nollywood is nowhere near when the players are talking, the very product we have now in Nigeria is Super Eagles.

"Doctor Ladipo in the midst of the crisis took me to the national assembly and I was told, Jalla why are you fighting is it because of money, you players we must continue to play football we cannot sacrifice football that is what bring us together if it is because of money okay we are going to allocate funds for you from the federation account, they said all that.

"So it is very potent we are the very product of this country so I cannot allow myself to be used for any players stagnated never not me, those people should just count me out,  so I said if it possible for me not to be part of the transition process I will pull out so I don't see any reason why we shouldn't come under one umbrella.

"Whatever Popo wants, whatever the group want I'm prepared to make excellent results my being the president of the players union is not a do or die affair.

"I have done my beat and I'm satisfied with my bit that I have done, people who worked with me all over the years, I want them to be fully compensated for what they have done, I'm going to put my records together,we have agreed together and I told them that it's not for me anymore,  I have done my bit, I get disenchanted when family all over the country,  football is very volatile, this crisis have gone into the home of every family in this country they begin to discuss Jalla and Popo.

"I feel disenchanted I thought by now, I should be relaxing where I'm in my village and looking at what you guys are doing, so it's not for me anymore, I have concluded the assignment if it possible that I pull out of the transition process I will.

"I want to thank you guys for this process that you have started by the grace of God we are going to ensure that this work because you see the players association is very viable the NFF have just one duty the duty they have is to organise competition that's all, the key of development,  the terms of development of football is in the hands of the players union,  I have travelled round the world for this course and I know what to do, I know those of you who will come and take charge you are not going to lack anything because we develop to a part for you.

"So I don't see it as a problem anymore, you know because for me I'm done, my ambition is not worth it one bit to stay a day longer for what? People called me, Sam Opodu called me, George Omokaro is down as we speak today, so I believe if we come together as one body irrespective of what has happened in the past, you knew what happened,  you knew that we were one body but some people in authority felt that we are waxing stronger that they don't want us to continue so they put a knife in the thing ahead of us in order for us not to continue. 

"If we want to solve that problem just go to the route and get the result but by the time you bring politics into it, by the time you bring tribalism into it, you won't get anywhere,  I'm ready willing to give you all the support that you guys need for us to get to the next level.

"I just want tell you guys that I'm even in a hurry to leave, I'm the chief executive of African international football today. This nation is very important nation in Africa,  Nigeria is the biggest black nation in the world this is capital of the black nation in the world." the NANF president concluded.

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