Rejected But Uplifted By President Buhari: The Story Of Daniel Amokachi

Three months ago, the Nigeria football federation toyed with the idea of appointing Daniel Amokachi as NFF Director of technical but later dropped the appointment at the last minute perhaps to slight the honourable minister of youth and sports, Sunday Dare, who many felt was the brain behind his nomination. Infact, NFF president Amaju Pinnick went on National TV to deny the news claiming that they had full confidence in Bitrus Bewarang, a man whose tenure as director technical had already expired but was allowed to continue for obvious reasons. Just on Thursday, president Mohammadu Buhari shocked Nigerians when he confirmed Amokachi as his new special assistant on sports, a position that has now made the *REJECTED STONE, THE CORNER STONE* By this appointment, Amokachi has moved miles above his contemporaries and now sits on the exalted seat of decision makers. He is now the third strongest man in sports after the honourable sports minister and the permanent secretary. ...